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FA/PLAST Manual strapping tools


We dedicate the tip of the week to the manual strapping tools FA/PLAST to direct traction for plastic strapping.

Robust, practical and easy to use it guarantees with minimal effort on the levers an airtight closure of the seal.

The drive levers are equipped with comfortable non -slip knobs that ensure a firm and optimal socket.

The large and resistant support base in red die -cast aluminum of red color guarantees excellent stability thus avoiding movement during use.

FA/PLAST is suitable for closing various types and sizes.

Upon request, tenders can be accompanied by brackets, ideal for vertical rivers.

It is a Made in Italy product.

We dedicate the tip of the week to the manual strapping tools FA/PLAST to direct traction for plastic strapping.

Robust, practical and easy to use it guarantees with minimal effort on the levers an airtight closure of the seal.

The drive levers are equipped with comfortable non -slip knobs that ensure a firm and optimal socket.

The large and resistant support base in red die -cast aluminum of red color guarantees excellent stability thus avoiding movement during use.

FA/PLAST is suitable for closing various types and sizes.

Upon request, tenders can be accompanied by brackets, ideal for vertical rivers.

It is a Made in Italy product.