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We are proud to announce that ROCAMATICA® has been included in the prestigious ADI DESIGN INDEX 2023 yearbook in the "Design for Work" category and will officially compete for the next Compasso D'Oro 2024, the most authoritative design award in the world.
The ROCAMATICA® project will also be presented in an exhibition itinerary in Milan and Rome and represents further testimony to the continuous search for excellence that has always characterized our long company history.

We are proud to announce that ROCAMATICA® has been included in the prestigious ADI DESIGN INDEX 2023 yearbook in the "Design for Work" category and will officially compete for the next Compasso D'Oro 2024, the most authoritative design award in the world.
The ROCAMATICA® project will also be presented in an exhibition itinerary in Milan and Rome and represents further testimony to the continuous search for excellence that has always characterized our long company history.