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Pneumatic stud nailers PN/2


We dedicate the tip of week to the pneumatic stud nailers PN/2 Maestri which uses colleted stud nails.
Light, ergonomic and compact, it allows you to work even in places that are difficult to reach.
Thanks to the practical automatic progress system studs, PN/2 significantly reduces the effort of the operator by improving working conditions and significantly increasing the speed of inflammation.
Ideal for the decoration of furniture, style armchairs and in the work of the footwear industry.

PN/2 is available in three models depending on the diameter used.
Maestri also offers a wide range of colleted stud nails in different colors and finishes.

We dedicate the tip of week to the pneumatic stud nailers PN/2 Maestri which uses colleted stud nails.
Light, ergonomic and compact, it allows you to work even in places that are difficult to reach.
Thanks to the practical automatic progress system studs, PN/2 significantly reduces the effort of the operator by improving working conditions and significantly increasing the speed of inflammation.
Ideal for the decoration of furniture, style armchairs and in the work of the footwear industry.

PN/2 is available in three models depending on the diameter used.
Maestri also offers a wide range of colleted stud nails in different colors and finishes.