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Cordless tacker ROCAMATICA


We dedicate the tip of the week to ROCAMATICA®, a light and compact cordless tacker that offers maximum freedom of movement thanks to the absence of a cable. The cordless tacker can be used for any type of application such as reupholstering the seat of your motorbike. The front plate in fact guarantees precision and stability during the shooting phase, avoiding annoying movements that could ruin the surface finish of the finished products. Thanks to the LED light inserted in the front part of the tool, all areas of poor visibility or shade will be well lit. The cordless tacker has also been designed with an adjustment ring that allows you to modulate a greater or lesser insertion of the stitch into the surface. With ROCAMATICA® you have the practical solution to all your projects.

We dedicate the tip of the week to ROCAMATICA®, a light and compact cordless tacker that offers maximum freedom of movement thanks to the absence of a cable. The cordless tacker can be used for any type of application such as reupholstering the seat of your motorbike. The front plate in fact guarantees precision and stability during the shooting phase, avoiding annoying movements that could ruin the surface finish of the finished products. Thanks to the LED light inserted in the front part of the tool, all areas of poor visibility or shade will be well lit. The cordless tacker has also been designed with an adjustment ring that allows you to modulate a greater or lesser insertion of the stitch into the surface. With ROCAMATICA® you have the practical solution to all your projects.