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We dedicate the #Tip of the Week to the Ro-MA 50TG Red Line pneumatic nails designed to instruct Ax-Tg type chiodini up to 50mm. Powerful, light and compact is ideal for the fixing of wooden profiles on windows and fixtures, internal and external lashed, coatings, shops shops, campers and nautical. The nailor presents an innovative disappointment system that allows an easy and quick removal of the jammed nails and a adjustment wheel, placed under the trigger, which allows to modulate the depth depth. To protect the safety of the operator, Ro-ma 50tg is equipped with a tastore that enable the shot only when pressing pressure on the work surface. Ro-ma 50tg is supplied in a practical case and with a quick connection for the compressed air already mounted.

We dedicate the #Tip of the Week to the Ro-MA 50TG Red Line pneumatic nails designed to instruct Ax-Tg type chiodini up to 50mm. Powerful, light and compact is ideal for the fixing of wooden profiles on windows and fixtures, internal and external lashed, coatings, shops shops, campers and nautical. The nailor presents an innovative disappointment system that allows an easy and quick removal of the jammed nails and a adjustment wheel, placed under the trigger, which allows to modulate the depth depth. To protect the safety of the operator, Ro-ma 50tg is equipped with a tastore that enable the shot only when pressing pressure on the work surface. Ro-ma 50tg is supplied in a practical case and with a quick connection for the compressed air already mounted.