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Carton closing machine Elpabox


We dedicate the tip of the week to the ELPABOX BH carton cloasing machine, specifically designed to guarantee high performance when closing cartons. Compact, easy to handle and lightweight ELPABOX is made of a very resistant aluminum alloy. The seamer is equipped with a stitch depth regulator to allow the closing of all types of cardboard. The large support surface guarantees high stability and avoids annoying movements during the sewing phase. Widely used in laboratories, warehouses, packing and packaging departments. It is a Made in Italy product.

We dedicate the tip of the week to the ELPABOX BH carton cloasing machine, specifically designed to guarantee high performance when closing cartons. Compact, easy to handle and lightweight ELPABOX is made of a very resistant aluminum alloy. The seamer is equipped with a stitch depth regulator to allow the closing of all types of cardboard. The large support surface guarantees high stability and avoids annoying movements during the sewing phase. Widely used in laboratories, warehouses, packing and packaging departments. It is a Made in Italy product.