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Hot glue gun M812 RED LINE


We dedicate the tip of the week to M812 RED LINE, a powerful and robust hot melt glue gun for large productions and intensive work. Suitable for professional use for assembly and repairs on wood, plastic, cardboard, fabric, rubber, leather and porcelain. Equipped with a traditional anti-drip nozzle, unscrewable and interchangeable, ideal for not ruining your applications. Use Ø12mm hot melt glues. During your creations it is possible to leave the gluing machine on the support base and control the operating temperature thanks to the adjustable thermostat. M812 is supplied in a practical case including a nozzle.

We dedicate the tip of the week to M812 RED LINE, a powerful and robust hot melt glue gun for large productions and intensive work. Suitable for professional use for assembly and repairs on wood, plastic, cardboard, fabric, rubber, leather and porcelain. Equipped with a traditional anti-drip nozzle, unscrewable and interchangeable, ideal for not ruining your applications. Use Ø12mm hot melt glues. During your creations it is possible to leave the gluing machine on the support base and control the operating temperature thanks to the adjustable thermostat. M812 is supplied in a practical case including a nozzle.