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Halloween is now upon us and with #Tip of the week we show you how to make a nice bat.

- Roll of toilet paper
- Black cardboard
- White cardboard
- Sagoma Ali bats
- Electric gluing and glue stick
- Scissors
- Pencil

Take the black cardboard and cut out a strip as high as the paper roll and remove the excess part.
With the help of hot glue, fix the end of the cardboard on the roll. After printing and cutting the shape of the wings, traced with the pencil the edges that you will then cut out.

Taken from a white cardboard two small triangular teeth of different sizes and eyelets. While from a black card, two other small triangles that will be the ears of your bat.
Finish by gluing the wings in the center of the roll, eyes, teeth and ears.

In a few simple steps you will have a perfect Halloween decoration.
You just have to try!

Halloween is now upon us and with #Tip of the week we show you how to make a nice bat.

- Roll of toilet paper
- Black cardboard
- White cardboard
- Sagoma Ali bats
- Electric gluing and glue stick
- Scissors
- Pencil

Take the black cardboard and cut out a strip as high as the paper roll and remove the excess part.
With the help of hot glue, fix the end of the cardboard on the roll. After printing and cutting the shape of the wings, traced with the pencil the edges that you will then cut out.

Taken from a white cardboard two small triangular teeth of different sizes and eyelets. While from a black card, two other small triangles that will be the ears of your bat.
Finish by gluing the wings in the center of the roll, eyes, teeth and ears.

In a few simple steps you will have a perfect Halloween decoration.
You just have to try!