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Cordless Tacker ROCAMATICA


The tip of week we dedicate to ROCAMATICA® , the new light and compact cordless fixer designed for brad and staples. Equipped with a rechargeable battery with lithium technology that guarantees a long duration over time. Thanks to the LED light inserted in the front of the machine, areas of poor visibility or work surfaces in the shade will no longer be a problem. The absence of the cable and the comfortable soft touch handle make the stapler extremely versatile and suitable for any type of application and place. maestri®, which has always been sensitive to operator safety, has created a product that is IMQ certified and compliant with CE and RoHS directives.

The tip of week we dedicate to ROCAMATICA® , the new light and compact cordless fixer designed for brad and staples. Equipped with a rechargeable battery with lithium technology that guarantees a long duration over time. Thanks to the LED light inserted in the front of the machine, areas of poor visibility or work surfaces in the shade will no longer be a problem. The absence of the cable and the comfortable soft touch handle make the stapler extremely versatile and suitable for any type of application and place. maestri®, which has always been sensitive to operator safety, has created a product that is IMQ certified and compliant with CE and RoHS directives.