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Build your projects with ROCAMA 16


Dedicating free time to garden care is certainly a fun and relaxing hobby.
With the help of ROCAMA 16 METAL BLACK you can build your projects quickly and easily.
In fact, the tacker allows you to use three different types of staples and metal nails without the need for adjustment.

Compact, easy to handle and robust, it is ideal for all fixing and decoration jobs.

Furthermore, thanks to the handle block you can store the tacker in a tool box.

ROCAMA 16 is a MADE IN ITALY product.

Dedicating free time to garden care is certainly a fun and relaxing hobby.
With the help of ROCAMA 16 METAL BLACK you can build your projects quickly and easily.
In fact, the tacker allows you to use three different types of staples and metal nails without the need for adjustment.

Compact, easy to handle and robust, it is ideal for all fixing and decoration jobs.

Furthermore, thanks to the handle block you can store the tacker in a tool box.

ROCAMA 16 is a MADE IN ITALY product.