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Create with MINI GRIP 7H


Making Easter decorations has never been so simple, thanks to the help of the mini hot melt glue gun.
MINI GRIP 7H, compact and easy to handle, thanks to its small size it is suitable for small applications.
The traditional anti-drip nozzle with silicone protection does not damage objects and guarantees the user's safety from accidental burns. During applications it is possible to comfortably leave the gluing machine on the practical support stand.

MINI GRIP 7H is available in a hangable blister with 2 transparent glue sticks included for a ready-to-use hot melt glue gun.

Making Easter decorations has never been so simple, thanks to the help of the mini hot melt glue gun.
MINI GRIP 7H, compact and easy to handle, thanks to its small size it is suitable for small applications.
The traditional anti-drip nozzle with silicone protection does not damage objects and guarantees the user's safety from accidental burns. During applications it is possible to comfortably leave the gluing machine on the practical support stand.

MINI GRIP 7H is available in a hangable blister with 2 transparent glue sticks included for a ready-to-use hot melt glue gun.