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Desk Stapler ROMALANG


We dedicate the tip of week to the professional desk stapler ROMALANG.
The special aluminum league body and the high -resistance printed steel sheet metal handle guarantee maximum duration even in intensive working conditions.
The robust support base, accompanied by non -slip rubber feet, ensures a stable seal on the work surface.
The opening front allows easy and immediate interventions in the event of the points incen.
Thanks to the high seam depth, adjustable from 0 to 250 mm, Romalang is used by legacy, printers, press centers, banks, law firms for the tiping of high paper thicknesses.

Available in two models and is a Made in Italy product.

We dedicate the tip of week to the professional desk stapler ROMALANG.
The special aluminum league body and the high -resistance printed steel sheet metal handle guarantee maximum duration even in intensive working conditions.
The robust support base, accompanied by non -slip rubber feet, ensures a stable seal on the work surface.
The opening front allows easy and immediate interventions in the event of the points incen.
Thanks to the high seam depth, adjustable from 0 to 250 mm, Romalang is used by legacy, printers, press centers, banks, law firms for the tiping of high paper thicknesses.

Available in two models and is a Made in Italy product.