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Hot melt gue Maestri


With the tip of the week we show you the most suitable supports for the different applications you want to make:

TRANSPARENT, RED and BLACK: ideal for gluing materials such as wood and derivatives, cardboard, ceramics, plastic materials, leather, costume jewelery and DIY;

WHITE: suitable for gluing paper, cardboard, plastic materials, preheated metal and laying TV cable antennas;

HONEY: suitable for paper, cardboard, wood, leather, fabric, plastic materials and glass;

GRAY: it is generally used in the footwear and paper industry to glue cardboard, wood, ceramics, fabric and plastic materials.

All maestri hot glue comply with the REACH regulation (CE) n.1907/2006 aimed at ensuring a higher level of protection of human health and the environment.

With the tip of the week we show you the most suitable supports for the different applications you want to make:

TRANSPARENT, RED and BLACK: ideal for gluing materials such as wood and derivatives, cardboard, ceramics, plastic materials, leather, costume jewelery and DIY;

WHITE: suitable for gluing paper, cardboard, plastic materials, preheated metal and laying TV cable antennas;

HONEY: suitable for paper, cardboard, wood, leather, fabric, plastic materials and glass;

GRAY: it is generally used in the footwear and paper industry to glue cardboard, wood, ceramics, fabric and plastic materials.

All maestri hot glue comply with the REACH regulation (CE) n.1907/2006 aimed at ensuring a higher level of protection of human health and the environment.